I Gave Up Social Media...And I Liked It.
I don't always observe the lent season leading up to Easter. Sometimes if I do, it's just the week leading up to Easter Sunday. This year...
Rachel Hollis is the Mentor I Never Knew I Needed
A few years ago when I was still in college and on my student newspaper, I interviewed Rachel Hollis after a photo of hers went viral....
How to Not Let Anxiety Win
I’ve struggled with anxiety since I was at least nine or 10-years-old. I just didn’t know what it was at the time. I wasn’t sure why I...
Goodbye Summer
Here we are in October - the middle of October. It just occurred to me that I never really officially said goodbye to summer. Not the way...
Mental Health and Panic Attacks
I woke up Friday morning struggling to get out of bed. I know that's common for a lot of people - the dreaded alarm clock goes off and...
What I Learned: June - August
This summer has honestly been of the absolute best of my life. I traveled, I spent time with friends and family, I took time to reflect...
What I Learned: March - May
Lessons Learned It really is okay to say “no” sometimes and the world keeps spinning on its axis. It’s okay to not hold it together all...
The Importance of Self-Care
Text messages. Emails. Events to attend. Phone calls to return. Bills to pay. Errands to run. Several jobs or roles at work. Friends to...