Life as We Know It
"I know the road you're on ain't quite the way you planned it But the twists and turns are all part of the magic.
So don't be afraid Of the things you cannot change As the sun surely follows the rain I believe that you can't try to lead or control it 'Cause that's just life as we know it"
~Lady Antebellum "Life as we Know It"
Every day I'm reminded that I'm no longer a child.
I know that should go without saying.
But I mean it in the sense that I look around at my friends and I and how life has changed for us through the years.
I see how we've grown from either kids on the playground, teenagers laughing through high school or early 20-somethings who were making our way through college, without a clue of the real world.
I watch us now face challenges at work and looking forward in our careers. We deal with deaths of loved ones. Painful heartbreaks that leave us breathless. Friendships that go through ups and downs. Decisions that take all of our focus, prayers and energy. Or even the in-between moments when we simply don't know what's next. When the depression hits and we don't feel like we can get out of bed in the morning.
It's funny how as a child you think that when your older life will make more sense. The things you go through will have more meaning. To some degree it's true.
Yet I've noticed lately how there are certain instances that leave me like when I was a little girl, stumbling through the day, asking those older than me or looking to my parents for advice and support. More often than not, life is just as confusing, if not more, than it was when you were eight or nine.
When friendships fade, it's not easier. When that relationship ends or someone "ghosts" you, it's still a bit of a head-scratcher and you wonder what you could have done differently.
Navigating through finances, health, dating, working through heart stuff and other "adult" responsibilities is no easy feat. But, it's all part of the process. And through it all, somehow, the ones who matter most will stick by you. They'll help you find your inner child again and laugh at the dumbest moments along the way. They'll help you through some of the toughest moments, so they don't seem so bad after all. Sometimes you might even be grateful for the bumps along the way.
That's all for now,