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What I Learned: Sept.- Nov.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Go to coffee or find something fun to do on Sunday afternoon/evening, so the Monday blues don't get the best of you. I started going with one of my best friends for Starbucks and heart to hearts every Sunday, and I have to say, it helped take my mind off of my usual routine and getting anxiety about the week ahead. Sometimes it's fun to switch it up instead of just dwelling on your tasks and chores for the upcoming week.

  2. Caffeine and sugar are not the best thing for you if you deal with anxiety (Crazy, I know!). No matter how tired you are...Try to lay off the caffeine a bit, otherwise, it just ends up hyping you up and leaving you feeling more frazzled. And the whole heart racing constantly thing is not so fun. It's so good, but so not good for you.

  3. I've had enough with not being 'enough.' You are more than enough - smart enough. Pretty enough. Talented enough. Wild enough. Silly enough. Brave enough. You are going to change the world. We all have our flaws, setbacks and hangups. Don't focus on those for too long. Do what you can and get back up again, because you are strong enough. These are little pep talks I have to give myself to remember that we're all in the same boat. We're all learning and growing and none of us REALLY have it figured out. But, we are enough, simply because of who we are.

  4. People aren't always who you want them to be. That's not their fault. It's not necessarily your fault either. It's just one of those things. We put pressure on ourselves and other people. When it's a friendship that just burns out, that's a harder reality to face.

  5. You don't always need a reason to celebrate. Some days, you just buy the cake and eat it, because you can and life is short. One Sunday afternoon, my parents and I went to one of our favorite local bakeries and I bought a cake just to celebrate them and life. And who needs a REASON to eat cake? C'mon.

  6. You can't hide in your own shadow or keep trying so hard to be like everyone else. I have a point of view that only I can share and constantly trying to be or write like so and so isn't getting me anywhere. It's time to share what I know and to stop doubting my own perspective.

  7. "Someone else's opinion of you is none of your business." -Rachel Hollis. I've probably used this before, but it's SO good and It's easy to get so hung up on everyone else's expectations of you or what everyone else thinks you should be doing. But, we can get so caught up in their opinions that we forget to just be who we are at the end of the day, because we're trying to please everyone else.

  8. (Another quote) "I refuse to live my life as half of myself because other people can't handle all of me." -Rachel Hollis. Pretty self-explanatory, but I've noticed that I tend to shrink back when something good happens to me. I try to brush it off like it's not a big deal. That's fine at times, but it's okay to celebrate yourself and not hold back, because you think someone else in the room is giving you the stink eye about it.

  9. You can't go by the number on the scale to feel satisfied or healthy. I've been working out since January and I can tell a big difference in my body. I've toned up and thinned out in some areas, but I stepped on the scale the other day and almost panicked. I've gained weight. In fact, I've never weighed this much. But, then I realized it's muscle weight. I have gotten healthier and feel much better, so the number on the scale is not what it's about.

  10. In work and in life, you have to be an advocate for yourself. No one else is going to speak up for you. Well, your friends and family and some coworkers might back you up. But, at the end of the day, if you want something to happen, you have to fight for it yourself.

  11. Take the day off. It's okay. Work will still be there when you get back, but those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities or the days with your parents won't always be. And those memories will last a lifetime.

  12. I think sometimes you don't always see the direct lesson or takeaway right away, because you're still in the middle of the growth. It's okay to not see what the purpose of something was until later down the road. Your 20's are just that way. Give yourself time and eventually you'll see why things worked out the way they did.

  13. Just because you aren't in each other's daily lives, doesn't mean you won't be friends forever. I have friends that I've known since jr.hi, and while yes, things have changed drastically since those days, every time we're together, it feels like no time has passed. Those are the friendships you need in your life.


  1. Taking more time off when I've needed it, so long as all of my work is done or is covered.

  2. Getting to know my coworkers more outside of work with lunch and dinner dates (and Justin Timberlake concerts we haven't experienced yet). And getting to know new coworkers through coffee dates.

  3. Staying committed to my workout routine, even though it's getting colder and I don't want to get out of bed in the morning. Dedication, man.

  4. Going back to more of my personal writing and making that a priority again.

  5. Getting to be a judge for my old high school's Homecoming floats.

  6. Reaching 6,000 followers on our Instagram page at work.

  7. Finding new locations in LA to visit and trying them out/visiting.

  8. Making personal advances in my career.

  9. Attending Carrie Underwood's Star on the Walk of Fame ceremony.

  10. Booking a trip to Palm Springs with my mom in January for the Palm Springs International Film Festival.

  11. Getting together with friends, even when it would've been easier to say no.

  12. Making my famous mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving and Friendsgiving (it's kind of a big deal to me).

Things I'm Loving:

  • "A Star is Born"/"A Star is Born" soundtrack

  • Bradley Cooper

  • "Grey's Anatomy"

  • "Young and Hungry"

  • Leaves changing colors

  • Coffee/tea bar at home

  • The Grinch

  • Iced Maple Pecan Latte from Starbucks

  • "Hindsight" by Justin Timberlake

  • Christmas lights and decorations

  • Disneyland trips (especially during the holiday season right now)

That's all for now,


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